
Jessie Brady playing Sound Bath in Oahu Hawaii

Welcome to Love and Light Wellness! I'm Jessie, your guide on a transformative journey through the realm of Sound Healing. Nestled in the heart of Oahu, Hawaii, Love and Light Wellness is a haven dedicated to the profound impact of healing vibrations.

Jessie Brady Playing Sound Bowl for Sound Bath in Hawaii

The Essence of Sound Healing

Sound Healing is a therapeutic practice that utilizes the vibrations and frequencies of sound to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Instead of relying on traditional talk therapy or medicinal approaches, Sound Healing introduces a range of instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, and more. These instruments create harmonic vibrations that resonate with the body, helping to release tension, reduce stress, and restore balance. The profound effects of sound can enhance relaxation, foster a meditative state, and contribute to a sense of overall harmony within the individual. At Love and Light Wellness, I guide individuals through this transformative experience, harnessing the power of sound to support their journey toward well-being.

The Transformative Power Within

Sound has the incredible ability to bypass the intellectual mind, resonating directly with our essence. Through carefully crafted sessions using instruments like singing bowls, chimes, drums and gongs, I tap into the transformative power within each individual. The sonic vibrations act as catalysts, guiding you towards a state of deep relaxation, stress release, and spiritual awakening.

  • Sound Healing is a therapeutic practice that uses vibrations, usually through instruments like singing bowls, drums, gongs, chimes or tuning forks, to promote healing and relaxation.

  • Sound Healing works by resonating with the body's natural frequencies, promoting balance and harmony in the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

  • Benefits may include stress reduction, improved sleep, enhanced focus, emotional release, and a sense of overall well-being.

  • Yes, Sound Healing is generally safe for most individuals. However, if you have specific health concerns, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before participating.

  • During a session, you'll typically lie down or sit comfortably while the practitioner plays various sound instruments. It's a passive experience where you absorb the vibrations.

  • Yes, common instruments include singing bowls, gongs, drums, chimes, and tuning forks. Each instrument produces unique frequencies and tones.

  • Sessions can vary in duration, but they typically last around 60 minutes. Shorter or longer sessions may be available based on individual preferences.

  • While Sound Healing is not a substitute for medical treatment, many people find it beneficial for conditions like stress, anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain.

  • It's usually not necessary to bring anything. Wear comfortable clothing, and the practitioner will provide any necessary props or instruments. If you want to add additional comfort suggested items include: socks, eye mask, pillow of your preference.

  • The frequency of sessions varies for each individual. Some people benefit from regular sessions, while others may find occasional sessions sufficient.

  • Yes, Sound Healing can complement other holistic practices such as meditation, yoga, and energy work, enhancing overall well-being.